Thursday, October 29, 2009

And Still...More Read-Alouds

Here are my reviews of the latest books we're reading for school:

The Milly-Molly-Mandy Storybook

This has been a surprise hit in our house. We are 4 chapters into the book and the boys love it. They really like that Milly-Molly-Mandy lives with her extended family on the farm. The book takes us back to a simpler time. This book is a much easier read aloud than the Uncle Wiggily Storybook so C-Monster gets into it more. When it's on the schedule, we're supposed to read one chapter, but I never read less than 3. The stories are short compared to what we've been reading lately.

What's Bigger Than a Blue Whale?

I love books by Robert E. Wells. He can weave some pretty complicated concepts into a picture book for kids. This one covers big objects from a Blue Whale to the Universe. When we read about the size of Antares compared to our sun, D-Man and I discussed the different stages of a star's lifespan. We've read 5 of his books in our house now and I'd highly recommend all of them.

Stories from Africa
This book contains 6 stories about the mission field in Africa. Although this book is perfect for the age group and a gentle introduction to missionaries, I was disappointed that most of the stories weren't more about Africa. They do take place in Africa and contain aspects of life that are different from the United States, but I'd hoped that it would have been more detailed. One reason that this is important to me is that D-Man is fascinated with Africa. It was the first continent he could recognize on a map and he asks questions about it all of the time. All-in-all, we enjoyed the book and had some good discussions about people who don't know who Jesus is.

The Gods Must Be Angry
We are about halfway through this book and it is sparking a lot of discussions. It is about a boy who knocks the head off of an idol in his house and how his family is faced with questions about the "power" of the idol. I was worried that D-Man wouldn't be mature enough for this story, but he was ready for it. It is a good introduction to different religions. It goes well with Stories from Around the World which contains stories based off of different world religions.
Well, those are our newest books. We don't have many more books to read in this core. So far, I've been very happy with Sonlight's book selections.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there - you commented on my topic in the SL forum re stationery and art supplies . . . and I just happened to click on the link to your blog . . .
Seeing as your son is so interested in Africa, you may be interested in looking at this curriculum "Little Footprints on our Land"- it is written by 2 South African Homeschooling moms (in fact one of whom is the SL agent here in SA) and is designed in such a way that you take a year's break from your current curriculum and do theirs. It is entirely about South Africa. Have a look for yourself . . .