Friday, May 31, 2013

Wait...We Haven't Gone Anywhere

Okay, I've been absent for awhile.  I'm still homeschooling and loving it, but adding a 2nd student and 4th child really threw me for a loop free-time wise. I really had to spend some time getting some home and school routines down.

So what's new?  A few things.

1.  I'm adding a new student next week.  That's right, J-Monster starts Kindergarten on Monday.  This is a serious, "where did the time go?" moment for me.  Granted, he is a young K-er.  His birthday is in August.  If he were going to public school, I'd consider holding him back a year.  It wouldn't be because he isn't ready, but because that is the norm here for summer and even some spring babies.  In preschool, he was over a year younger than some of his classmates (and tiny in comparison).  Now, his preschool teacher (the wonderful Ms. Mendi) encouraged me to send him even if we were going into public school since he's more than ready.'s a good thing that isn't an issue.  Onto Kindergarten he goes...

2.  I'm now on the Flylady wagon.  I was really struggling this year with how to do school with 2+ students (J-Monster was doing preschool at home part-time) and a toddler while keeping up with the house.  I've been really challenged to keep my home inviting and peaceful.  I was having trouble accommodating both.  If it was in inviting shape, we weren't doing that peacefully.  If we were peaceful and fun, the house was a disaster.  Thanks to Flylady's principles, I am able to keep the house "company and family-time ready" (note...not perfect!) without the stress and time requirements I had before.  Talk about a breath of fresh air.  It has also de-stressified our school time as we have more time in our day to get everything done.  The boys love the routines.

3. Baby-S isn't such a baby anymore since he just turned 2 and is a "big boy."  He has to do everything his big brothers do.  In fact, he'll be getting a new nickname.  He'd be offended at his.  He will also be attending our church's preschool in the fall.  I've never sent a 2yo to preschool before, so I have mixed emotions about it.  However, it is only 2 days a week and I love his teacher (Ms. Nancy).  With J-Monster being a Kindergartener and still having the other two, I need some dedicated schooltime during the week.  It'll be great for Baby-S to be out having some great 2yo time instead of "being in the way" at home.  It's a win-win for all of us.  Not to mention, I absolutely love our preschool and it's across the street.

4. I am Crossfitting and running in abundance (for me) and incorporating eating Paleo.  I've really buckled down this year and have been more consistent since last August.  I've always been active, but adding Crossfit and joining a running club have taken things to a new level for me.  Nope, you won't see me at the next Crossfit games or on the first page of a marathon leader board, but I've improved my health by leaps and bounds, am really enjoying all of it, and don't plan on quitting.  I'm telling you all of this because it will seep into this blog.  Part of this process for me is teaching my boys to be active and healthy for their whole lives.  We don't have gym class, but incorporate activity into our everyday lives.  I've found that as we get older, talent for sports is less important than habit, comfort, and motivation.  Those are the things we are striving to instill in them.  Plus, I want to show that a homeschooling mom of 4 who is busy with lots of other commitments can still take care of herself.  Warning:  it often requires getting up early.  I'm not a morning person and I require a lot of sleep to function (those who know me, are giggling), so if I can do it...anyone can.
Okay, that's all for now.  I'll be updating pictures, nicknames, and curriculum very soon.