Friday, December 3, 2010

Weekly Review: Where have we been?

I've been missing for a few weeks. Evidently, when times get busy, blogging is the first to go. Perfectionism isn't the problem these days...pregnancy is. I've found that being pregnant, having littles and homeschooling can be exhausting. Nothing our family can't handle, we've just had to lower expectations a bit.

On the other hand, we are really excited about meeting our next boy in about 3 months. The boys are over the moon and even Little-J seems to understand. We're praying that understanding continues when Baby-S is being held by his mom constantly.

School is still going. Our biggest strides have been in math. D-Man has really enjoyed the last few topics in Singapore PM 2B and is racing through them. The topics have been capacity, geometry, graphs, and area. We're done with all of the instruction and will finish the last 2 reviews next week. We'll take a break from Singapore in January, focusing on Horizons and Miquon. I also have Singapore's Challenging Word Problems 2 and Ed Zaccaro's Primary Challenge Math for extras. He loves Zaccaro's PCM and begs to do it everyday. Oh, I also checked out a great book called The Adventures of Penrose the Mathematical Cat from the library last week. It's great!

D-Man finished up Sonlight's Readers 2 a couple of weeks ago and we'll finish up our Sonlight Core next week. We've been reading The Apple and the Arrow about William Tell this week. It is a really interesting version of the story and D-Man's really into it. It's also been a great introduction to politics. D-Man has so many questions.

Song School Latin has been a big hit. In fact, due to the convenient ad on the back cover, D-Man is pressuring me for a promise that we'll Song School Greek next. This week we learned about family members. Both he and C-Monster have decided they have no use for the word Soror since they won't have one. Here are our vocab words for the week:
Pater (father)
Mater (mother)
Frater (brother)
Soror (sister)

For those of you wondering, I don't have any Latin background. I'm learning right along with the boys.

Hope everyone else is having a good week!